History> AEES 2023
AEES 2024 | Lanzhou, China | November 29th-Decmber 01st, 2024

To promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, as well as the development of the new energy industry and the construction of new energy power systems, the 5th International Conference on Advanced Electrical and Energy Systems (AEES2024) was held in Lanzhou from November 30 to December 1, 2024. Co-Sponsored by by Lanzhou Jiaotong University and IEEE, the conference adopted a hybrid format, featuring both online and onsite interactions, with an in-person venue at the Baiyun Hotel in Lanzhou. The event attracted over 200 experts and scholars from more than 20 universities and research institutions across countries including China, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Portugal, and Canada, and was chaired by the head of the School of New Energy and Power Engineering at Lanzhou Jiaotong University.

为深入贯彻落实国家“双碳”战略目标,进一步推动能源绿色低碳转型、新能源产业发展及新能源电力系统建设,11月30日至12月1日,由兰州交通大学和IEEE主办,兰州交通大学新能源与动力工程学院、能源互联网技术与装备研发甘肃省国际科技合作基地、IEEE PES兰州分会承办,甘肃省航空电作动重点实验室、甘肃太阳能发电系统工程重点实验室、中国自动化学会智能分布式能源专委会、甘肃省储能系统与运行控制技术创新中心、甘肃省动力电池技术创新中心、北方工业大学储能科学与工程学院、兰州工业学院电气工程学院、陇东学院新能源学院、河西学院物理与机电工程学院共同协办的第五届先进电气与能源系统国际会议(AEES2024)在兰州召开。本次大会采用线上、线下联合互动的形式,在兰州白云宾馆设立线下会场。大会吸引来自中国、丹麦、英国、葡萄牙、加拿大等国家的20余所高校和科研院所的专家及学者200余人参会,会议由兰州交通大学新能源与动力工程学院负责人主持。 

Group Photo of AEES2024  

On November 30, Conference Chair - Prof. Zhe Chen from Aalborg University, Denmark made vedio opening remarks, Vice President of Lanzhou Jiaotong University - Prof. Huo Haifeng ; Xiangyang Zhao, Director of Technical Committee on Intelligent Distributed Energy, Chinese Association of Automation and Long Zhao from State Grid Gansu Electric Power Corp. made the opening remarks respectively.
大会主席,IEEE Fellow,丹麦奥尔堡大学陈哲教授,兰州交通大学副校长霍海峰,中国自动化学会智能分布式能源专委会主任委员赵向阳,国网甘肃省电力公司电力科学研究院副院长赵龙分别在大会开幕式上致辞。霍海峰副校长在致辞中首先对参会的专家、学者表达了热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢。他表示,此次会议的举办将对学校人才培养、科技创新产生积极的作用,对促进新能源电力系统相关学科专业领域的发展,践行国家“双碳”目标具有重要意义。  


On keynote and Invited speeches session, Prof. Zhe Chen (IEEE Fellow), Prof. Guangning Wu (IEEE Fellow), Prof. Kui Chen, Assoc. Prof. Song Xiao, Senior Engineer Xiping Ma, Assoc. Prof. Jiefeng Liu, Prof. Yue Zhou and Asst. Zhongbei Tian delivered excellent speeches.
本次会议为期两天,IEEE Fellow、IET Fellow、丹麦奥尔堡大学陈哲教授和IEEE Fellow、IET Fellow、国家级人才项目入选者、杰青、西南交通大学吴广宁教授分别做了大会主旨报告。英国伯明翰大学田忠北助理教授、西南交通大学陈奎、武汉大学肖淞、广西大学刘捷丰、天津大学周越、国网甘肃省电力公司电力科学研究院马喜平高工等6位专家分别作了大会特邀报告。100余位国内电气工程与能源系统领域青年学者分8个分论坛做主题报告。大会重点围绕新能源电力系统运行与控制、新能源发电技术及应用、智能电网规划与设计、能源互联网、弹性电力和能源系统、氢能与燃料电池、可再生能源与智能建筑、电动汽车技术、综合能源系统、交通能源融合技术、光储直柔技术等主题开展学术研讨。


Best Paper Awards Winners | 最佳论文奖

AE0627: Guiyuan Lai
co-authored with Jinbi Xue
Title: Fault Diagnosis Method for Compensation Capacitor and Tuning Area Based on Graph Convolutional Network  
AE2551: Yu Wang
co-authored with Yang Wang, Yongxiang Cai, Huajun Zheng, Guangze Ouyang, Yutao Xu
Title: Large Disturbance Stability Analysis of System with Paralleled Grid Following-Voltage Source Converter and Grid Forming-Voltage Source Converter
AE7702: Tongtong Fu
co-authored with Ruoqiong Li
Title: A Review of the Application of Distributed Photovoltaic System in Highway Tunnels under the Integration of Transportation and Energy

Outstanding Reviewer Award | 优秀审稿人奖

Zhuoqun Li
Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China  
Jifei Liu
Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China 

Poster Sessions | 海报展示

Poster Session Group Photo  Best Poster Presentation Award Winner 

Oral Sessions | 分会报告



© 2020-2025 AEES | All rights reserved.
2025 the 6th International Conference on Advanced Electrical and Energy Systems (AEES)