Biosketch: 陈奎,国家级青年人才,西南交通大学教授/博导。国家留学基金委公派至法国勃艮第-弗朗什孔泰大学国家科学研究中心(CNRS)攻读电气工程专业博士学位,随后在法国国家科学研究中心燃料电池实验室开展博士后研究。
以第一/通讯作者在 Energy Conversion and Management (IF:11.533)、Applied Energy (IF:11.446)、Journal of Energy Storage (IF:9.4)、Renewable Energy (IF:8.634)、IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。受邀在International Conference on Energy Storage and Intelligent Vehicles、International Electrical and Energy Conference、International Conference on Smart Electrical Grid and Renewable Energy、 全国储能系统与装备学术年会、中国电工技术学会学术年会、电气学科青年学者学科前沿研讨会等国内外重要学术会议上做特邀报告,并担任分会场主席。
受邀担任国际大电网委员会(CIGRE)B3中国专委会委员、IEEE PES 电动汽车技术委员会委员、中国电工技术学会储能系统与装备专业委员会委员、四川省电机工程学会电力前沿技术专委会委员。
中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation青年编委、《储能科学与技术》青年编委、Symmetry客座编辑,包括Applied Energy、Energy Conversion and Management、eTransportation、Journal of Power Sources、IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification等 20余本SCI期刊审稿专家,获2023年度《电工技术学报》优秀审稿专家称号。
Biosketch: Gao Guoqiang, male, professor and PhD tutor of Southwest Jiaotong University, was selected as national talent plan (2019), winner of Sichuan Provincial Fund for Distinguished Youth (2018), Sichuan Provincial Talent program (2020), chairman of IEEE P2752 international standards working group, deputy Secretary-General of China Machinery Industry Electric Carbon Standardization Technical Committee, member of the Special Committee of Plasma and Application of China Electrotechnical Society and Dielectric Polymer Composites and Application of Chinese Society of Composite Materials, Sichuan Rail Transit Standardization Technology Commission,Core member of the national key field innovation team in the "Rail Transportation Power Supply Safety Technology"; carried out research work on the key issues of high-speed railway flow and return, presided over 4 National Natural Science Foundation of China, mainly researched the National Outstanding Youth Fund, the key projects of the High-speed Railway Joint Fund, the "973", "863" projects and other 18 projects; formulated and participated in Compiling 4 IEEE international standards. Serve as the chairman of ICHVE and other important conferences at home and abroad, and give invitation reports; has published 86 SCI/EI search papers, authorized 26 national patents, and published the first monograph on high-speed sliding electrical contacts for rail transit in Springer; the results have been applied to the CIT400km/h high-speed inspection vehicle and the Renaissance series of Chinese standards flow-return design of the EMU,won the first prize of Heilongjiang Province Technology Invention Award (1st), the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education (2nd), the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Railway Society (2nd), Zhan Tianyou Railway Special Award for Science and Technology Award (No. 1).
Biosketch: 刘捷丰,博士,副教授,博士生导师,广西杰出青年科学基金获得者,IEEE Senior Member,重庆市优秀博士学位论文奖获得者,重庆大学优秀博士学位论文奖获得者;现担任电气工程系副主任,教育部电气工程及其自动化专业虚拟教研室副主任,中文核心期刊《绝缘材料》青年编委、中国科技核心期刊《电力信息与通信技术》青年编委,中国电机工程学会高电压专业委员会青年学组委员,中国电工技术学会青年工作委员会委员,IEEE电介质与电气绝缘学会会员,中国电工技术学会高级会员;先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、广西八桂青年拔尖人才项目、广西杰出青年科学基金项目、广西自然科学基金青年项目以及广西科技基地与人才专项等10余项国家级/省部级科研课题,获广西技术发明一等奖1项(第二完成人),广西教学成果一等奖1项,日内瓦国际发明展金奖1项;作为骨干成员深度参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等10余项国家级科研课题,单项专利转化达101万元;近些年来,以第一作者/通讯作者的身份发表SCI检索论文80余篇(含IEEE Trans.论文30余篇,中科院一区Top期刊论文10余篇,ESI高被引论文5篇),授权发明/实用新型专利30余件;参编智能电网信息工程学科发展规划1项,国家/电力行业标准3项;在国际/国内会议上做邀请报告2次、口头报告10余次。
Biosketch: 肖淞,法国图卢兹三大等离子体工程与重庆大学电气工程双博士学位,现任武汉大学电气与自动化学院副教授,重庆市优秀博士论文获得者,中国电工技术学会青年工作委员会副秘书长、中国环保电力装备产业创新联盟秘书长、国际大电网CIGRE B3.25、B3.45、B3.59和B3.60等工作组中方委员、全国高压直流输电设备标准化技术委员会委员、中国电机工程学会智能感知专业委员会委员、IEEE PES高压绝缘技术委员会(中国)高压内绝缘分委会和输配电技术委员会(中国)配电技术分委会常务理事、SCI期刊Superlattices and Microstructures》编委、国产期刊《电气技术》副主编等职务,入选中国科协青年托举人才工程,华中地区首位“国际工程教师证书”获得者,获得2019年全国“向上向善好青年”荣誉称号,团省委“青年讲师团”成员,作为科技创新领域杰出青年代表参加纪念五四运动100周年大会,受到习近平总书记接见。
作为负责人承担了国家自然科学基金、科技部国家重点研发计划项目子课题、博士后科学基金(含特别资助)等项目;在Nano Energy、Environmental Science & Technology、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Chemical Engineering Journal等期刊发表SCI检索论文58篇(第一或通讯作者29篇);授权专利16项;出版中、英文专著3部;参编国际标准2项。荣获重庆市优秀博士学位论文奖、重庆市科技进步一等奖、贵州省科技进步二等奖、中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖等奖项。由于在先进环保电力装备研发工作中的突出成绩,申请人获得全国“向上向善好青年”荣誉称号,并作为科技创新领域杰出青年代表受邀参加了纪念五四运动100周年大会,在人民大会堂光荣地受到习近平总书记亲切接见和颁发证书。
Biosketch: Dr Zhongbei Tian is a Lecturer in Electrical Energy Systems at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, the University of Liverpool. He is also an Honorary Researcher at the Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education (BCRRE), the University of Birmingham. Dr Zhongbei Tian’s research interests include railway traction power system modelling and analysis, energy-efficient train control, energy system optimisation, and sustainable transport energy systems integration and management. He has been working on a number of projects funded by EPSRC, Royal Society, Horizon 2020, Network Rail, RSSB, and Innovate UK. His research has been implemented in projects across the world, including Network Rail, Edinburgh Tram in the UK, Madrid Metro in Spain, SMRT in Singapore, Beijing and Guangzhou Metro in China.
Biosketch: Yue Zhou received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2011 and 2016, respectively.,From 2017 to 2020, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, U.K. Since April 2020, he has been a Lecturer with Cyber Physical Systems, School of Engineering, Cardiff University. His research interests lie around cyber-physical energy systems, specifically including demand side response, peer-to-peer energy trading, distributed ledger technology, and smart local energy systems.,Dr. Zhou was the Chair and currently a Steering Committee Member of CIGRE U.K. Next Generation Network (NGN). He is a Managing Editor for the Applied Energy, an Associate Editor for the IET Energy Systems Integration, IET Renewable Power Generation, and Frontiers in Energy Research, a Subject Editor for the CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, and an Editorial Board Member for the Energy Conversion and Economics and Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems.