Author's Guide> Submission
Submission 投稿须知

The conference only publish full papers, if you want your paper be published, you need send us the full paper.

The full paper should be at least 4 full pages and less than 9 pages. The authors should admit that the submitted paper is original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere.

Template Download

Please prepare your paper under the Template.doc or Conference latex template

Submission Methods

Please log in the Easychair Submission System; ( .pdf only) to submit your full paper and abstract.
For any inquiry about the conference, please feel free to contact us at:

Manuscript Submission

Papers will be reviewed based on the relevance, innovation, integrality, the “literary” presentation and the technical depth. Manuscript should contains text, in sequence of title, authors and their affiliations, abstract, keywords, main text part, acknowledgments, references and figure/table captions list in Word document (maximum 9 pages, including references and tables). Papers should present in a concise way the purpose of the paper, main theoretical framework/ assumptions and if applicable research methods and preliminary and/or expected results.

Peer Review

All paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings after proper registration and presentation.

The AEES2024 is currently recruiting reviewers! Reviewers are asked to review manuscripts for clarity, accuracy, and research rigor, and to provide detailed, constructive feedback intended to improve the quality and substance of research findings. Please send current CV as an attachment and contact at with questions.  

Critical Dates

Please Check the AEES Calendar for Important Dates.

Submission of Full Paper (投稿截止日期): 

August 25th, 2024 | 2024年8月25日  

Notification Deadline (录用通知日期): 

September 25th, 2024 | 2024年9月25日  

Registration Deadline (注册截止日期):  

October 15th, 2024 | 2024年10月15日  

Conference Dates (会议日期):  

November 29 - December 1, 2024

© 2020-2024 AEES | All rights reserved.
2024 the 5th International Conference on Advanced Electrical and Energy Systems (AEES)